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                           - Death Threat



THE PROBLEM: HBO Latin America needed to introduce a new hitman show that had relatively unknown actors.


THE SOLUTION: The main character, an assassin, threatened to kill the audience if they didn't watch.


BUILDING EXCITEMENT: To get network executives pumped about the show, we sent out 500 personalized press kits that targeted their addresses with Google Maps. Using Street View, we targeted their workplace and threatened their lives if they didn't watch the trailer. They watched — and the stunt helped us win HBO as a client.

Higher quality images coming soon. (Click to enlarge. Click again to cycle through.)

                          - MAX HD Launch



THE PROBLEM: HBO Latin America launched the HD version of their channel, HBO MAX, for the first time in South America in 2013.


THE SOLUTION: We took what people already loved about HBO, the shows, and discribed how HD makes them that much better.

(Click to enlarge. Click again to cycle through.)

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